Youth Contests

Essay Contest
The Platteville Optimist Club invites youth under the age of 19 as of October 1 and who have not completed secondary school to participate in an essay contest that is held yearly in March. There is no minimum age.
The essay topic for 2024-2025 year is: "How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success." Essays must be 700-800 words in length. Essays are due back to the Platteville Optimists by January 31, 2025.
Our local level winners will receive $150 for First Place, $100 for Second Place and $50 for Third Place. First place winner will then move onto the District Level contest. The winning essay of the District Level essay will receive a plaque and a $2,500 scholarship.
Oratorical Contest
We invite youth throughout Southwest Wisconsin to participate in an oratorical contest that is held yearly in March. Click the link below for the application and other information.
This year's contest topic is “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times” The contest will be held on the evening of March 3, 2025 in Platteville (details TBD)
Our local level winners will receive $150 for First Place, $100 for Second Place and $50 for Third Place. Winners have the chance to move to Zone, District, Regional and World Championship levels. See cover letter in the packet for more information.