Pictured Top Row L-R: Newly renovated Commons Area; Center: Superintendent (and Optimist Member) Jim Boebel; Right: New addition and lab for Family and Consumer Science; Bottom Row L-R: Renovated cafeteria; Center: Commons Area; Right: "Hillmen Outlets" new space.
Platteville School District Superintendent Jim Boebel welcomed the Optimist Club and opened by sharing that Platteville High School recently received the "Model Professional Learning Community" (PLC) school recognition. In order to receive this recognition, you mush show three consecutive years of improved student learning, which is based on three different measurements. PHS is one of two schools in Wisconsin earning this recent recognition. Westview and Neil Wilkins have already been recognized in past years. He stated that their next step is to get the district recognized.
Mr. Boebel then spoke about the recently completed additions and renovations at the High School followed by a tour of the improvements by Superintendent Boebel and Mr. Brad Brogley.