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Recent Contest Winners and Scholarship Recipients

2022 Optimist Scholarship Recipients
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Congratulations to Platteville High School Seniors Ava Graney and Chase Carroll, who were each selected to receive a $1000 scholarship from the Platteville Optimist Club. 


Ava plans to attend Southwest Tech with an undecided major.

Ava is daughter of Vince and Kelly Graney.


Chase plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Platteville majoring in Business.

Chase is son of Matthew Carroll and Amber Schwartz.

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2022 TriStar Basketball Competition Winners
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The 2022 TriStar Basketball Competition was held on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at the Bo Ryan Court in the UW-Platteville Fieldhouse. Coach Jeff Gard and members of the Pioneer Basketball team spoke with the participants.

The winners by age group with girls listed first, followed by boys, were:

Age 6: Baynlee Spurley and Jack Wetter 

Age 7: Josephine Bakken and Beckem Fitzsimons

Age 8: Sutherin Allen and Byron Skemp

Age 9: Sydney Meyer and Landon Ludlum

Age 10: Bella Peters and in Gavin VaNetta

Age 11: Quinn Temperly and Hudson Weittenhiller

Age 12: Soraeya Stone and Tyler Schultz

Age 13: Erika Droessler and Alex Friederick

Thank you to the Youth Committee for coordinating this event and all of the volunteers who helped with the competition.   

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2022 Essay Contest Winners

Pictured above:  Platteville Optimist President Howard Crofoot presents an award and check to our 1st place winner, Nuzaira Rabanni .


Pictured on the right:  Platteville Optimist President Howard Crofoot presents an award and check to our 2nd place winner, Caleb Timmerman.​


Congratulations Nuzaira and Caleb!

Thirty-five students from area school's participated in this year's Platteville Optimist Club Essay Contest.  The top two winners received their awards at a recent Friday morning Optimist Club meeting.


Congratulations to our winners!

Nuzaira Rabbani, our 1st place winner from Platteville Middle School received $150.  Caleb Timmerman from Saint Rose in Cuba City placed 2nd and received $100.  Placing 3rd and receiving $50, was Ben Thill also from Saint Rose in Cuba City.



2022 Oratorical Contest Winners
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The 2022 first place winner is Nuzaira Rabbani from the Platteville Middle School,($150). Receiving second place is Caleb Timmerman from Saint Rose School in Cuba City,($100).  Treyton Furrer, also from Saint Rose School, earned third place ($50).  The first and second place contestants will be going on to district level to compete on May 14th at DeForest as there isn’t a zone contest this year. The winners will be asked to present their speeches at an upcoming Optimist Club meeting.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with this event. 


L-R:  Treyton Furrer, Caleb Timmerman, Nuzaira Rabbani and Platteville Optimist President Howard Crofoot.

2022 Oratorical Contest Participants
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2022 participants pictured with Platteville Optimist President, Howard Crofoot:


L-R:  Caleb Timmerman, Nuzaira Rabbani, Evelynn Cummins, Treyton Furrer, Elizabeth Franzen and Platteville Optimist President Howard Crofoot.

2021 Optimist Scholarship Recipients
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Congratulations to Platteville High School Seniors Matthew Detrie and Noah Rhoden, who were each selected to receive a $1000 scholarship from the Platteville Optimist Club. 


Matthew plans to attend UW-Platteville to major in Industrial Technology Management.

Matthew in son of Chris and Heather Detrie.


Noah plans to attend Coconino Community College and then transfer to Northern Arizona University majoring in Business Management and Stock Analysis.

Noah is son of Jay and the late Vicci Rhoden.

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2021 Oratorical Contest Winners

This year's first place winner was Maria Schmitt from Saint Rose School in Cuba City,($150). Receiving second place was Benedict Drefcinski,($100).  Emily Wiegman earned third place ($50).  Winners will now compete at the Zone level and could possibly move on to the District, winning up to a $2,500 scholarship.


L-R:  Christine Storlie, Event Chair, Emily Wiegman, Benedict Drefcinski, Maria Schmitt and Platteville Optimist President Tom Nall

2021 Oratorical Contest Participants

2021 Oratorical Contest Participants

Front Row L-R: Benedict Drefcinski, Emily Wiegman, Bethany Daugherty, Maria Schmitt, Faith Justman, Elloit Cummins, and Talan VanNatta


Back Row L-R: Noah Wood, Ella Vosberg, Kylie Heller, Dea Crist, Ben Richards, and Christine Storlie of the Platteville Optimist Club

2021 Essay Contest Winners
Optimist Club Awards 2021 Essay Contest

“Reaching Your Dreams by Choosing Optimism”

was the theme of this year’s Platteville Optimist Club Essay Contest.    A total of 34 students from Platteville Middle School, Iowa Grant Middle School and St. Rose Catholic School (Cuba City) participated in the event.


This year’s 1st place winner was Zachary Ludlum ($200 scholarship) from Platteville Middle School. He will advance to the Zone contest for a chance to advance to the District contest ($500 scholarship). Natalie Jentz, also from Platteville Middle School, received 2nd place ($50 scholarship), and Hope Connolly from Iowa Grant earned 3rd place ($50 scholarship).


Pictured are Christine Storlie, Event Chair, Platteville Middle School students: Zachary Ludlum (1st Place), Natalie Jentz (2nd Place), Katherine Leahy (6th Place), Rowan Chmielewski (9th Place), Nuzaira Rabbani (5th Place) and Tom Nall Platteville Optimist Club President.

2020 Optimist Scholarship Recipients
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Congratulations to Platteville High School Seniors Nicholas Cullen and Ashlyn Moon, who were each selected to receive a $1000 scholarship from the Platteville Optimist Club.  Nicholas plans to attend UW-Stevens Point with an undecided major.  Ashlyn plans to attend Coastal Carolina Community College majoring in Business Management and Entrepreneurship.


Nicholas in son of Jerry and Stephanie Cullen.


Ashlyn is daughter of Gerald and

Emily Moon.



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Essay Contest Winner - 2020
1st place: Aksel Schuldes
Awards were presented to Platteville Middle School students placing in the recent Essay Contest sponsored Platteville Optimist and UWP Student Optimist Club. Pictured are Wayne Wodarz, Optimist member/Youth Activities Chair, Honorable Mention recipients pictured are Lilly Otto, Penny Black, Eva Hollingsworth, and Nicholas Rohou. Taking first place was Aksel Schuldes. Dr. Christine Storlie has served as Essay Chair for several years and is also a member of the Platteville Optimist Club. The essay topic was “Is Optimism the Key to Achieving the Dreams you iMagine”. Congratulations to all participants. Aksel's essay will compete at the SWIS District level for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship.
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Oratorical Contest Winners - 2020
             Treyton Furrer and Nicholas Connolly

Winners of the Optimist sponsored Oratorical contest were Treyton Furrer, student at St. Rose and Nicholas Connolly, Jr. at  Iowa-Grant. Pictured also is Christine Storlie of Platteville Optimists. Treyton and Nicholas will now compete at the Zone level and could possibly move on to the District, winning up to a $2,500 scholarship.

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Oratorical Contestants - 2020

Front Row: Benedict Drefcinski (runner-up),  Treyton Furrer (winner), Leah Mergen (runner-up), Eydie Cummins, Allison Joos

Back Row: Joseph Vyetreil, Breyden Johll, Nicholas (winner) Christine Storlie

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