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Chief McKinley & Lt. Andrea Droessler speak

Chris Budden

Pictured L-R above: Optimist Maxine Lane, Chief McKinley and Lt. Andrea Droessler.

Platteville Police Chief Doug McKinley talked about the two different divisions of the Platteville Police Department. The first is the Patrol Division which Lt. Josh Grabrandt oversees. The second is the Support Services that Lt. Andrea Droessler overseas.

As the Lieutenant overseeing Support Services, Andrea oversees the Dispatch Center, is the Evidence Custodian, she supervises two Detectives and four Community Services Officers and is also in charge of records management.

They were proud to talk about the achievement of becoming an accredited department, which they achieved three years ago.   To achieve this, their policies and procedures must be in line with best practices.  This accreditation requires an audit every three years.   Chief McKinley explained that being accredited enhances the credibility and helps with officers’ confidence and their morale. 

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